Another edition of mail call is upon us. Some of these have aged a bit in the mailroom but, nonetheless, are provided below for your perusal. Please enjoy and if you have an event or project that you might like to have featured here please email our editor.
A press release from KjellgrenKaminsky Architecture in Sweden reads:

New Bureau New House New BenchTwo additional links of interest are included below for your enjoyment. One is for european modern architecture site MIMOA and the other is for project submission site Designer Pages. Both of which we will investigate and provide discourse for at a later date.
After winning the international architecture competition for the new Mirage dancehall in Falsterbo, Sweden, KjellgrenKaminsky Architecture was founded by Fredrik and Joakim, two young Swedish architects.
The founders have previously worked at architectural firms such as Wingardhs and UN-Studio, Ben van Berkel. Our new office will work with architecture in its broadest meaning ranging from furniture to city planning, from theory to practice.
Right now we are working with the detail design of the Mirage dancehall and simultaneously releasing a new piece of furniture; a bench called Praline noir.
Designer Pages Link
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