19 March 2009

Posta Aerea 07

Posta Aerea

It is that time of the year again. Time to share with our readers several recent emails which all seem to have a very common flavor. Competition awards and announcements predominated the virtual mailbox this time.

Design 21 Announces the Winners of its, "Wood, Paper, Checkmark" Competition. The contest was developed to help educate consumers about FSC-certified (Forest Stewardship Council) wood products and promote responsible forest management. The overall winners this cycle were Damian O'Hara & Christophe Roger from France. Their proposal can be found here. To see the other entrants follow the submitted designs link provided by Design 21

World Architecture Community
The World Architecture Community has released posters of the winners of its 2nd Cycle Competition for download. It also has sent out a call-for-entries for its 20+10+X Architecture Awards 4th Cycle Competition. For more information, eligibility and requirements please visit the website url provided here.

Pamphlet Architecture Competition
Pamphlet Architecture is announcing its 30th annual juried competition whose theme is, "Investigations in Infrastructure". You might know and enjoy these fascinating diminutive periodicals available from PA Press. We will try to add a graphical link in our sidebars when we hear back from them with our request until then the release notes are here.

MONU, the magazine of urbanism, has asked us to let you know that they are having an open call for contributions to their upcoming issue #11 entitled, "Clean Urbanism". Information for those interested can be found here.

Another email requested that we tout an article labeled, "100 Amazing Flickr Collections for Architecture Buffs" for those who love flickr eye candy please partake.

Speaking of flickr, we would again like to extend an invitation for all of our readers to contribute to our flickr pool at ecAr2.0. We would love to feature your photography or photos of your work on our site (Intriguing Earth Architecture, Modern Furnishings, e.g.) And of course thank you again for your continued interest and support of our site.

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