29 January 2014

Posta Aerea 10

Posta Aerea 10

So it is 2014, where has the time gone? As I reflect back on the previous year and plan towards the current one I like to go back and assess where my blogging is going. And after reading Posta Aerea 09, it seems I missed the mark. Surprisingly, I began to write this post in my head and then found I had already written it in January 2011. While some of my points and goals are still valid, I find myself asking questioning what do I want to accomplish with my branded blog network.

In 2006, the blogosphere was still in its infancy particularly in terms of architecture blogs. Many initial architecture blogging pioneers have folded. While other classic writers continue to this day such as: A Daily Dose of Architecture, Atelier A+D and Build Blog among others. A few have exploded into huge conglomerations like ArchDaily, Architizer, Archinect and Archello for example. Still others have become more intimate by giving a personal perspective on the practice of architecture by sharing both its joys and pitfalls. If you have never been to these two blogs please visit, Life of an Architect or Coffee with an Architect to understand what I mean.

And now having name dropped for a paragraph, I want to come full circle and offer my future and past readers my goals for this network in the coming year. I would love this network to become a hybrid of sorts. I want east coast Architecture review to be both a place to find unique and intriguing architecture projects as well as to provide a personal practice perspective as someone who is practicing the profession. I hope readers will find this refreshing and something that they will want to read from time to time. I also would love to interact with you, the subscribers, more often than in the past. So please feel free to leave insightful comments or questions so that I may respond.

I once again ask beg my viewers to submit projects for inclusion in the Intriguing Earth Architecture series by going to our Flickr pool and leaving the appropriate project info, photos, etc. I would prefer finished/built projects as they provide inspiration for both young architects and professionals alike. Thank you in advance for your submission.


Bradley Swarts, editor

east coast Architecture review

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